Exams With Sections (Three Configurations)
2 - "Normal" User Experience (Config 3)
2 - "Normal" User Experience (Config 3)
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Video Transcription
So at this point we came back to the system as Taylor Swift, and then we're going to do a level 3 exam Once again, I'm going to start the exam Same set of 50 questions, but notice that it's broken into different three sections now and The first section has 20 minutes the second section has 10 minutes, but notice that it's available on December 1st So what we're going to do is we're going to start the exam Except I'm going to just quickly answer the first section and the show how the user is going to be blocked on the as soon as they finish the first section and notice that because there technically is Unlimited breaks between the two sections given the fact that the second section is not available Until release date the use expected user behavior is that there is no Break mechanics between each sections The user will just simply have to wait until the release date comes for the the new section So give me one second when I reach the end of first section All right, so I'm going to submit it So notice the system tells the user hey You're done for now and the next section is going to be released on December 1st The user can go back and understand that they cannot review anything they have done and they cannot proceed Until the release date for the next section release date for the next section has arrived. Thank you
Video Summary
In this video, the speaker explains the process of taking a level 3 exam as Taylor Swift. The exam consists of 50 questions divided into three sections. The first section has a time limit of 20 minutes, the second section has a time limit of 10 minutes, and the third section will be available on December 1st. Once the first section is completed, the user is blocked from proceeding until the release date of the next section. The user cannot review their answers or proceed until the release date arrives.
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level 3 exam
Taylor Swift
50 questions
three sections
exam process
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